lawn care schedule

Lawn Care Schedule that Works

How to create a perfect lawn care schedule for a lawn?

Lawn care is necessary for property owners to create a better living environment. At the same time, not all lawns require the same maintenance schedule that needs proper guidance. This is because a property owner should consider important things such as the region, country, grass types, climate, the landscape, PH levels of the soil, and lawn drainage ability. It is advisable for a property owner to take care of the lawn regularly which can help keep the lawn in healthy condition.

Since lawn care involves a wide range of activities, a property owner should plan a lawn care schedule properly for enhancing the conditions to a large extent. However, the schedule may vary depending on the part of the country and lawn owners should know more about the tips in detail for accomplishing goals significantly.

Here are some lawn care tips one can follow from early spring to fall.

  1. Early spring

Early spring lawn care is one of the basics in lawn care maintenance that allow property owners to get better results.

The first step is to ensure clean cuts with sharpen mower blades which ultimately gives ways to get the desired outcomes. It is necessary to increase the efficiency levels of mower blades by upgrading them with the latest techniques.

A property owner should remove the leaf rakes, twigs, and leaves from the lawn during the early spring for improving the conditions. The process of cleaning up old debris will help to apply fertilizers and herbicides with ease that can enhance the fertility of the soil.

  1. Spring

The grass in a lawn will start growing depending on the weather and a property owner should focus on cutting them with special attention. On the other hand, it is advisable not to mow when the grass is wet that can prevent the spread of diseases.

Aeration may become necessary in spring season which helps the root system of the grass to get enough air, fertilizer, and water effectively. A lawn owner should fill in the bare spots after finding them. It is the time to focus more on lawn seeding, lawn repair, or over seeding during this season that can result in major advantages.

Moreover, a lawn owner should consider applying pre-emergent herbicide for preventing the crabgrass and other weeds effectively.

  1. Early summer

A lawn owner should check the growth of grub worms and larvae that will result in browning and wilting patches. Therefore, it is a wise one to pull out the sod to spot the grubs. This will help a lot to plan chemical pesticide treatments for keeping a lawn in perfect condition.

One can even consider using milky spore for this purpose which can control some species of grubs significantly. The grass will grow faster and a lawn owner should consider cutting the same with 1/3 of the grass blade.

There are some weeds that may escape after applying an herbicide application. Therefore, it is advisable to remove them with a garden fork that can bring major wonders. However, a lawn owner should consider post-emergent herbicide when the situation is getting out of control.

  1. Summer

The summer lawn care is similar to spring lawn maintenance and it may vary depending on weather conditions. Grass cutting is necessary in summer and one should consider using a lawn edger and lawn cracker for this purpose that can help to get a perfect look.

It is imperative to look in for signs of lawn problems for fixing them immediately. One should identify lawn weeds, pests, and diseases earlier to control them with effective measures.

Deep and frequent watering is also necessary instead of using sprinkle systems. A lawn owner should make sure that the water reaches the root system of the grass. Lawn fertilizing is must for improving the soil fertility.

  1. Early fall

Early fall is the best time to patch bare or thin spots that can help to transform the lawn conditions significantly. A lawn owner should consider removing dead grass first for applying an inch of compost to work it on the soil.

On the other hand, it is necessary to break up the soil with a garden trowel before carrying out the procedure. One should consider spreading grass seed designed for shade across the bare patch evenly.

Then, it is advisable to make sure that seeds get deeply into the soil by using a hard-tooth rake. Now it is the time to sprinkle grass clippings over the patch which can help prevent the drying out conditions of the soil. It is necessary to water the area once a day for germinating seeds.

  1. Fall

Grass cutting is necessary during the fall season and a lawn owner should consider using a lawn edger and line trimmer for meeting essential needs. It is imperative to make sure that the lawn is free from leaves and other debris. A property owner should consider using a mulching mower to break up the leaves and adding organic matter to soil.

Furthermore, it is a wise one to clean up any clumps before carrying out the process so that they won’t kill the grass. Apart from that, it is the time to fertilize a lawn that can restore the nutrients in the roots. Finally, a lawn owner should prepare the equipment for winter storage purposes.

How to schedule lawn care maintenance?

A majority of property owners consider working with a lawn care company for handling important activities with ease. They can ask for a lawn maintenance schedule template from a company which will help for knowing more about the services in detail. There are some free templates available for lawn owners and they can download the same from the internet.

In addition, companies engaged in lawn care business can choose the templates and edit them accordingly. This will help a lot to inform clients about the services needed for a lawn which gives ways to sign a contract with ease. Besides that, a lawn owner can make the right decision after knowing them.


Our Lawn Services:

We provide lawn care and lawn maintenance services in Charlotte, Waxhaw, South Park, Indian Trail, Monroe, Mint Hill, Matthews, Ballantyne, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for a free quote:

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